YOUR 90-day Challenge – September 5th

I wanted to mention that anyone can join in even if the challenge has started. If you do a 60-day challenge it is better than nothing… Let me know if you want to join in. you can email me at

We just had a fantastic group call with the participants… Great job everyone!!

It is now the 5th day of the challenge and everyone is moving forwards. I am very proud of us for taking responsibility for achieving our goals.

During the call, I was talking about Alternate Day Fasting. Which is where you eat one day and fast the other day. Here’s a couple of videos about the subject. You might find it interesting.

And here’s another one here.

As for myself, I have been eating less and better. I have cut down on high sugar fruits and eat more vegetables. I have been adding healthy fat like avocados and some nuts (not too many because they are still high on calories). I am also heading in the direction of alternate-day fasting. At the moment I am eating between noon and 6 pm. which gives me about 18 hours fast every day. I am drinking plenty of water. About a gallon a day. My goal is to do fasting 2 days a week with a day in between. For example, eating Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and fasting Tuesday and Thursday. I will have dinner every day, and not overeat for dinner on the fasting days.

I am being more active and doing a little more exercise every day. I have been using my mini-trampoline at home and doing some exercise also to help tone. So far so good.

Have a great and productive day.