I got an email from Hay House last week and he subject was “Is it true?” and like you it got my attention.

They were asking the question, “Is it true or real?” and they were saying that there are two answers: “Yes” and “No.” It is true if you believe it to be true. It is not true if you believe it isn’t true. The glass is both half full and half empty, depending on how you look at it.

There are literally billions of thoughts we can choose to think.

This reminded me of a quote from Henry Ford:

“Whether you think you can, or can’t you’re right.”

At a young age, people’s thought patterns are highly influenced by the people of authority in their lives. Their parents, school teachers and family members have influenced their way of thinking and behaving since a very young age. Overtimes these thoughts and behaviors formed their personalities.

You have heard people saying, “He is just like his father!” or “She is as stubborn as her mother.” Another one I heard is “In my family we vote Liberal.”

When we are looking at a situation in our lives, are we looking at it with a clear mind or are we looking at it with the filters of our past experiences? I like the analogy that our past experiences are like tinted glasses that blur our vision of what is really in front of us! Whether we like it or not, our opinions and perceptions of the realities that lay in front of us are almost always bias by our past experiences.

The same goes with what we think about ourselves. If we have money problems, we might say, “I am not worthy of having money.” If we have no friends, “Nobody loves me.” And so on…

Whatever the problem is, it comes from a thought pattern, and thought patterns can be changed!

Yesterday’s story doesn’t have to be tomorrow’s story! We can change!

It may feel true, it may seem true – all these problems we’re wrestling with and juggling in our lives. However, no matter how difficult an issue we are dealing with, it is only an outer result or the effect of an inner thought pattern.

Look at the problems in your life. Ask yourself, “What kinds of thoughts am I having that create this?”

In my coaching program I spend quite a bit of time on this matter because in order to know where you’re going, you have to know where you’re coming from!

Please reach out if you are ready to make some changes in your life and we can walk the walk and talk the talk together.

Until next time… Be kind to one another!
Denise Belisle