I was thinking about my Mother and…

Hi !

This morning I was listening to the radio on my way to the naturopath and the host introduced her guest by giving him her condolence for the loss of him mother. He was saying that even though he knew that she was going to pass away due to her illness, what came to him was much unexpected. He said that it hurt more than he expected and that he feels that he needs time to heal his loss.

That brought tears to my eyes. My mom passed away in August 2009 from cancer. I can relate to the man on the radio because I knew my mom was going to die and when she did, it hit me like a brick. There a void in my life since that day; something that can’t be replaced. To this day I still think of her often and I have so many questions for her. I miss not being able to share my life with her and hear her guidance.

I had a personal way of seeing my mom. I was thinking that all her life she took care of all her children and the children of others. She gave her heart and soul to make sure we had all we need. She was always there for of us. One by one we left the nest and started to walk our own path. She felt less and less useful and at 82 y/o she almost felt obsolete. I think that it was really sad and I would talk to her often and tell her about my life and ask for her advice. She felt like a mom again, she was needed.

Your mother might still be alive, or possible she is gone. I hope that if she is still around that you can have a fabulous relationship with her. Make her feel important and needed. Being a mother is forever not just when the kids are at home.

I never knew how important and precious my relationship with my mom was until it was gone. Don’t wait until she’s gone!

Have a great weekend and happy Mother’s Day ❤